Archive for December, 2024


How not to fall victim to fraudsters online?

Online security has been a hot topic in recent years. It might seem that everyone has come across information on the subject and is aware of the dangers lurking online. Common sense and sticking to a few basic principles should be enough to ward off most risks. However, it turns out that hackers attack relentlessly, […]

LEI Code

Everything You Need to Know About LEI Codes

Anyone who works in finance, investments, or money transactions has surely heard of LEI codes. LEI codes have been around for quite some time, but the requirements related to holding such a code have changed over the years. More and more entities and institutions are required to have their individual LEI code. Initially, financial institutions […]


Phishing and SSL Certificates

Most of us regularly use the internet: we visit social networking sites, shop online, check our email, and log into our bank accounts. During these activities, we provide contact details, our home address, usernames, and passwords. However, we are not always aware that the security of our data may be at risk, and that illegally […]


Why won’t browsers like your site without an SSL certificate?

It is not possible to use the Internet without a computer and a web browser. Internet users need a browser to view websites—to “surf” the web—while companies and entrepreneurs need it to display their own web pages for potential customers. As a result, browsers are in a privileged position and can dictate terms to their […]

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