What is worth knowing about the LEI code?


LEI codes became very prominent in 2018. Why then? Because new regulations and legal provisions were introduced that imposed the obligation of possessing an individual LEI code not only on banks but also on many other institutions. Since that time, every entity operating in accordance with the law has undoubtedly long received its LEI code. New players, such as securities issuers, can therefore rest easy—they will obtain their LEI code relatively quickly. In our country, the registration process takes about 5 minutes.

Legal regulations

The legal regulations that require obtaining an individual LEI code are:

  • the EMIR regulation, i.e. the European Market Infrastructure Regulation
  • the MIFIR regulations and the MiFID II directive
  • the CSDR regulation, i.e. the regulation on the improvement of securities settlement in the EU
  • the SFTR regulation, i.e. the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation

These regulations oblige various entities—such as banks, pension funds, investment funds, brokerage firms, state-owned companies, and credit institutions—to have their own code. Thanks to it, individual entities can be easily identified even during extremely complex financial transactions. This ensures security and transparency, which is exactly the idea behind introducing LEI codes.

LEI Codes – How to apply?

How do you apply for your individual LEI code? It’s quite simple. You just need to submit an application by first filling out the appropriate order form after clicking on the chosen LEI code option. The form guides you step by step, making the path to obtaining the LEI code really short. If any discrepancies or difficulties arise while filling out the documents, you can always contact our sales department for assistance. As the first Polish company, we offer the possibility of registering an LEI code—check our offer for the LEI code. All issued LEI codes are supervised by GLEIF, and each such code can be verified for free on the GLEIF website. What is GLEIF? It is the central entity that essentially oversees the issuance of LEI codes and also grants accreditation. The website provides information not only about the institutions issuing the codes in individual countries but also lists all previously issued LEI codes.

LEI Code fees

What about the fees for obtaining an LEI number? The LEI code is registered with our company for a period ranging from 1 to 3 years, and the fees vary accordingly—check our offer for the LEI code. Currently, the option to register an LEI code is available. To take full advantage of the reduced registration fee, you can also immediately apply for an extension of the code for up to 3 years, which allows you to obtain certain discounts. Typically, the code is received on the same day the application is submitted. It is a code consisting of 20 characters, including both letters and randomly selected digits.

Who does not need to have a valid LEI Code?

Many Poles invest in stocks or government bonds. These are simply private individuals who do not run any company or business. It is these people who do not need to possess their own LEI code in order to buy or sell stocks. They are not required to identify themselves with a code, which means that for the average person, the possibility of investing in various securities still exists.

Additional Advantages of Having an LEI Code

By possessing an LEI code, you not only validate your company but also gain the possibility of faster verification when ordering SSL certificates for OV and EV validation. Additionally, when you order LEI code registration with our company, you receive an SSL DV certificate free of charge for a period corresponding to the LEI code registration period. Importantly, when you extend its validity, the certificate will also be extended free of charge. All of this makes our offer the most attractive available on the market.

If you have any questions related to LEI codes, please feel free to contact us. You can find our current offer for the LEI code on our website: LEI Code.

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