Entrepreneur, what can’t you do without an SSL certificate?


Theoretically, you can practically do nothing without SSL. Especially since Google has tightened its rules regarding security certificates. Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs still consider it an unnecessary (!) expense. So what can you not do without an SSL certificate as a business owner?

Integration with Facebook

Integrating your own online store with Facebook is truly something special. The possibility of entering both micro and macro markets is very appealing to any entrepreneur. Especially since Facebook itself offers a plethora of tools that help you reach targeted customers more easily. Unfortunately, anyone who wishes to integrate their store with this popular social network must secure their domain with a security certificate. Of course, it can be a free SSL certificate; however, it is recommended that it be able to identify the website to which it is assigned (DV validation – see: What is an SSL DV certificate (Domain Validation)?).

Position in Google

Did you know, dear entrepreneurs, that the ranking of a website in Google’s search engine partly depends on whether it has its own SSL certificate? This is particularly important for online stores that promote a brand and specific products. It is worth mentioning that an SSL certificate must mandatorily be installed on websites that transmit customer data in any form. It doesn’t matter whether this data takes the form of scanned documents or personal data; its transmission must be appropriately secured. Moreover, these recommendations also stem from the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which advises the use of all technical measures to maximize the protection of transmitted data.

SSL and Google AdWords

SSL certificates are also indispensable if you wish to leverage the potential offered by Google AdWords. Extensive product campaigns, the selection of appropriate keywords, and above all the optimization of advertising campaigns are tremendous opportunities that will be limited if your website does not have an SSL certificate.

OV or EV – Trust at a Truly High Level

An entrepreneur serious about their business should consider not only the basic certificate version but rather an enhanced validation, for example to OV or even EV level. This validation not only enables the verification of the domain itself but also of the entity ordering the certification. As a result, the entrepreneur can appear even more credible in the eyes of their clients. Obtaining an OV or EV level certificate primarily depends on having the appropriate domain as well as proof of conducting business, along with personal details. Issuing such a certificate will only be possible once the entity requesting the certificate provides all the necessary documents (see also: What is an SSL OV certificate (Organization/Business Validation)?).

In the case of operating a business that handles a particularly large amount of so-called sensitive data, it is recommended to use an EV certificate (Extended Validation), which provides an even higher level of protection (see also: What is an SSL EV certificate (Extended Validation)?), as confirmed by the green address bar in the browser.

Google Will Tell You the Truth

If you do not intend to have an SSL certificate, then be prepared that modern browsers (e.g., Chrome, Opera, or Firefox) will warn users before they visit your site. Moreover, this process could already be in effect, which will obviously translate into lower popularity for your business. SSL certificates are as essential to an entrepreneur as air, especially since in today’s business world, building a positive brand takes a very long time. Have questions? Check out our range of SSL DV certificates, SSL OV certificates, and SSL EV certificates.

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