Browser and devices compatibility is the most important part of SSL usage. SSL Certificates are supported by 99,9+ browsers and devices. Please check the full list of supported devices and browser.
Browser and devices compatibility is the most important part of SSL usage. SSL Certificates are supported by 99,9+ browsers and devices. Please check the full list of supported devices and browser.
Apple Safari 1.2 +
AOL 5+
Camino 1.0+
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 +
Mozilla Firefox 1.0+
Mozilla 0.6+
Netscape 4.77 +
Konqueror (KDE)
Opera 7.0+
BEA Weblogic
C2Net Stronghold
Ensim Control Panel
cPanel / Web Host Manager
iPlanet Server / Sun One
Java Web Server (Javasoft / Sun)
Lotus Domino
Microsoft ISA
Microsoft IIS
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Microsoft Live Communication Server
Netscape Enterprise Server
Novell ConsoleOne + Novel Webserver
Oracle HTTP Server
Zeus Web Server
All other SSL-Capable Server Platforms
Adobe AIR
Microsoft Authenticode
Mozilla Suite 1.0+
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Sun Java SE 1.4.2+
Sea Monkey
Sun Java 1.4.2
Google Checkout
Internet Explorer 7: (XP)
Internet Explorer 7: (Vista)
Mozilla Firefox 3.
Microsoft Windows Mobile 5/6*
Apple iPhone, iPod Safari 1.0+
ACCESS NetFront Browser v3.4 +
RIM Blackberry v4.2.1 +
KDDI Openwave v6.2.0.12 +
Opera Mobile 6+
Opera Mini v3+
Sony Playstation 3
Sony Playstation Portable
Netscape Communicator 4.51+
NTT / DoCoMo
Nintendo Wii
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7+ (Windows XP)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7+ (Vista)
Firefox 3+
Opera 9.5+
Google Chrome 1+
Apple Safari 3.2+
Microsoft Outlook 99+
Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0+
Microsoft Entourage (OS/X)
Microsoft Outlook Express 5+
Lotus Notes (6+)
Qualcomm Eudora 6.2+
Microsoft / Windows Mail 1.0+ (Vista) (Mac OS X)
The Bat 1+
Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, InfoPath)