The Role of SSL in Secure Email Handling


An SSL certificate is the most common protocol used to secure internet connections. However, with this standard, not only website or FTP server connections can be encrypted, but also email communication. For many users, the confidentiality of data transmitted via an email channel is of particular importance. How do SSL certificates secure email?

SSL Certificate in Email
Using SSL certificates in network connections increases the security of communication between the actions of the email address owner and the target server with which the connection is established. SSL proves very useful both when receiving and sending emails—regardless of the contents of the message at the time. A secure SSL connection protects the email user in a comprehensive manner. It eliminates the risk of correspondence being intercepted by spyware, thus preventing it from being read by unauthorized third parties. Encrypting email does not mean that the messages sent are encoded with a special cipher—the recipient has no problem receiving and reading them. The SSL certificate operates solely during the email transmission phase, encrypting it at critical points to prevent interception. The protocol protects data only while there is an active connection between the mail server and the user’s email application.

Why choose email protected by an SSL certificate?
SSL certificates are not essential for the proper functioning of email. However, this type of security is increasingly sought after by internet users. Protecting an email account is particularly important for large companies that provide email services to their users. SSL certificates are most often ordered for specific domains on which mailboxes are then created. If an email user takes advantage of an SSL connection to protect their correspondence and other confidential data, the recipient’s external servers recognize the certificate and identify the sender as trustworthy and secure. This primarily reduces the risk that outgoing mail will be treated as a potential source of spam, or that the owner of an unprotected address will be classified as a spammer. Unwanted mail is very often sent as a result of a compromised account that was not secured with an SSL certificate.

When is an SSL certificate for email not necessary?
The presence of an SSL certificate is not a prerequisite for email to function. Additionally, if a user does not use any external application to handle email and only sends/receives messages via the service provider’s website, purchasing a certificate is usually not necessary. This is because email services are configured in such a way that all entered and transmitted data is adequately secured. Senders using the most popular email providers are considered reliable by SSL certificates. However, you can still increase your email security and credibility on the internet if you use an email address on your own domain. Regardless of the type of certificate chosen, from the moment it is issued and implemented, the connection becomes secure in all mail clients—that is, in programs and applications designed for the most popular systems.

Do you want to securely send your email messages? Check out our range of SSL certificates for digitally signing and encrypting your emails: SSL S/MIME certificates

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